Setting the Direction
We started the process in August 2005. The first discussion, of course, began with an addition and renovation. Discussion Two was gut-renovation. Discussions One through Two went fast, getting us to Discussion Three - demolition. In some circles, demolition is better known as "removing all trace evidence of my former life." (This will be unattributed, but sounds like something my husband might say?)
The time from the idea of demolition to the possibility of NextHouse was brief, but then came the 8 months of design - which was fascinating given that we didn't make too many changes. Of course, if you ask the designer and the project manager, they'd probably rightly give a whole different perspective on the definition of "many changes."
The cool thing about NextHouse is that it was only a concept when we first hear about it - a bunch of pictures and drawings in Dwell Magazine, with more drawings at the Empyrean offices. Here is a link to some of the generic NextHouse information and pictures. Of course, ours will look a whole lot different because it will actually work.